Source code for clamp

from org.python.clamp import Clamper

__all__ = ['Clamper', 'method', 'throws', 'annotated', 'annotated_argument']

class _ClampedMethod(object):
    def __init__(self, func): = func.func_name
        self.return_type = None
        self.arg_types = []
        self._throws_exceptions = set()
        self.method_annotations = {}
        self.arg_annotations = [{}]
    def throws_exceptions(self):
        return list(self._throws_exceptions)

[docs]def method(return_type, arg_types=[], name=None): """Decorate a clamp method with Java type information :param return_type: method return type :type return_type: java.lang.reflect.Type :param arg_types: argument types that the method accepts :type arg_types: array of java.lang.reflect.Type :param name: alternative method name. You can use this to support polymorphism. :type name: str Examples... Simple method with Void.TYPE as the return type: .. code-block:: java public void returnsVoid() .. code-block:: python @clamp.method(Void.TYPE) def returnsVoid(self): pass This polymorphism example will generate a Java method with the following signature: .. code-block:: java public int add(int a, int b) public long add(long a, long b) .. code-block:: python @clamp.method(int.TYPE, [int.TYPE, int.TYPE]) def add(self, a, b): return a + b # we override the method name to "add", which will indicate that we want # create a method with the same name @clamp.method(long.TYPE, [long.TYPE, long.TYPE], name="add") def addLong(self, a, b): return a_long + b_long """ def _method(func): if not hasattr(func, '_clamp'): func._clamp = _ClampedMethod(func) if name is not None: = name func._clamp.return_type = return_type func._clamp.arg_types = arg_types return func return _method
[docs]def throws(*exceptions): """Declare what Java exceptions this method throws :param exceptions: accepts a list of exceptions as arguments :type exceptions: a list of java.lang.Throwable Example: .. code-block:: java public void writeList() throws IOException, NoSuchFieldException .. code-block:: python @clamp.throws(IOException, NoSuchFieldException) @clamp.method(Void.TYPE) def writeList(self): raise IOException("message") raise NoSuchFieldException("other message") """ def _throws(func): if not hasattr(func, '_clamp'): func._clamp = _ClampedMethod(func) func._clamp._throws_exceptions.update(exceptions) return func return _throws
[docs]def annotated(annotation, **kwargs): """Annotate the Java version of the method with Java annotation :param annotation: Java annotation :type annotation: java.lang.annotation.Annotation :param kwargs: keword arguments to pass to the annotation :type kwargs: java.lang.Object Example annotation: .. code-block:: java @junit.Test public void test() .. code-block:: python @clamp.annotated(Test) @clamp.method(Void.TYPE) def test(self): pass """ def _annotate(func): if not hasattr(func, '_clamp'): func._clamp = _ClampedMethod(func) if kwargs: func._clamp.method_annotations[annotation] = kwargs else: func._clamp.method_annotations[annotation] = None return func return _annotate
def annotated_argument(arg, annotations): def _argument_annotations(func): if not hasattr(func, '_clamp'): func._clamp = _ClampedMethod(func) func._clamp.arg_annotations[arg] = annotations return func return _argument_annotations